Junta de colmatação, Preenchimento de juntas, Juntas à compressão, juntas TPE

Easy and economical sealing of vertical and horizontal joints, interior and exterior.

Depending on the conditions of use, such as resistance to oils and bitumens, large movements in extreme temperatures, fire resistance, physiologically safe, COR AR500 profiles are manufactured from raw materials selected in accordance with DIN 7865, ASTM D638 and ASTM D746.

Clamping profiles are manufactured according to DIN 18541: elongation at break> 350%, excellent resistance to chemicals and aging, elasticity equivalent to that of natural rubber. Available in black and gray. Other colors available according to the RAL color chart or through a specific sample.


Resilient recessed sealing (can be glued) for fast and economical bonding of vertical and horizontal joints, interior or exterior. The profiles have a top in the shape of a “hat”, which guarantees good coverage and hides defects that may have the edges of the joint. For expansion joints, joints between prefabricated elements, joints between masonry, etc …

Used indoors and outdoors on floors, walls and ceilings. They are fully compatible with our Vedafeu C, N Anti-Fire cords and Vedafeu M blankets.

The profiles are made of nitrile rubber KLP according to the DIN 18541 standard, characterized by an elongation at break above 350%, excellent resistance to chemical agents and aging, comparable to the elasticity of natural rubber. They are more self-extinguishing and do not spread fire in the event of a fire. Depending on the specific application conditions, they have excellent resistance to oils and bitumens, and to wear with extreme temperatures, the risk of fire, and physiologically safe, KLP profiles are manufactured from very specific materials. Available in 25ml black or gray roll. Also in all RAL colors or according to a specific sample. Angle profile also available.


    Please request the technical sheet / certificates here:

    Juntas preenchimento de juntas, Juntas de colmatação, juntas epdm, juntas a compressão
    COR AR500-01
    Juntas preenchimento de juntas, Juntas de colmatação, juntas epdm, juntas a compressão
    COR AR500-01A
    Juntas preenchimento de juntas, Juntas de colmatação, juntas epdm, juntas a compressão
    COR AR500-01B
    Juntas preenchimento de juntas, Juntas de colmatação, juntas epdm, juntas a compressão
    COR AR500-01C
    Juntas preenchimento de juntas, Juntas de colmatação, juntas epdm, juntas a compressão
    COR AR500-02
    Juntas preenchimento de juntas, Juntas de colmatação, juntas epdm, juntas a compressão
    COR AR500-02A
    Juntas preenchimento de juntas, Juntas de colmatação, juntas epdm, juntas a compressão
    COR AR500-03
    Juntas preenchimento de juntas, Juntas de colmatação, juntas epdm, juntas a compressão
    COR AR500-04
    Juntas preenchimento de juntas, Juntas de colmatação, juntas epdm, juntas a compressão
    COR AR500-05
    Juntas preenchimento de juntas, Juntas de colmatação, juntas epdm, juntas a compressão
    COR AR500-06
    Juntas preenchimento de juntas, Juntas de colmatação, juntas epdm, juntas a compressão
    COR AR500-07

    Standard range for 100 to 560 mm initial opening joints. Other possible custom widths.

    Roll length: 15mt

    Available colors: Black, gray and cream

    Use: For expansion joints, joints between prefabricated elements, joints between masonry etc. Usable indoors and outdoors on the ground (without traffic), wall and ceiling. They are perfectly compatible with our range of fire-resistant joints.

    Juntas colmatação, preenchimento de juntas, cortartec
    Juntas colmatação, preenchimento de juntas, cortartec


    Juntas waterstop e hidroexpansivas-juntas de estanquicidade e impermeabilização, Juntas waterstop, juntas estanques, bandas waterstop, Juntas para vedações, resina vedpoxy, silicone e cola epdm

    WATERSTOP joints

    Juntas metálicas, juntas industriais, juntas para pavimentos industriais

    Industrial joints


    Roof joints


    joints for car parks

    Have questions?  We are here to help you!