STATItie – Helical stainless steel reinforcing and masonry anchoring rod

Anchors or ties can be applied using lime or cement mortar, non-shrinkable grouts or chemical adhesives such as epoxy resins. When there are structural settlements causing displacements in the masonry it is suitable to use the STATItie system applying to the drillholes. This hole is filled with GROUT R30N or another in order to fill the hole and where the STATIie helical bars are inserted in rotation. Thanks to the low pressure injection the grout will fill the entire space around the borehole.
Anchoring wedges or stabilizing perimeter walls connecting them to the structure and internal masonry walls.
The depth of the hole can be up to 2 meters and the diameter 12-20 mm.
Ensure the stabilization of arches and vaults.
Using STATItie helical rods to anchor the retaining walls and reinforce the capitals and pillar supports.
Connection between vaulted ceilings to the peripheral support structure
Application involves drilling holes and injecting Grout 30N at low pressure in order to fill all empty spaces in the masonry. Next, the STATItie helical anchor rod with the required length is applied.
STATIbar – Stainless steel helical rod for longitudinal reinforcement of masonry

The STATIbar anchor rod is supplied in lengths up to 10 m, can be inserted separately or several rods in the same groove. This method of application allows to create reinforcement lintels without any alteration of the stereotomy of the wall. Individual rods measuring 1.00m, are inserted into individual grooves to roughen existing cracks
The advantages of STATIbar helical reinforcement
Without altering the surface, it allows minimal coverings, does not limit the dimensions of the grooves.
Minimizes modifications to the design, despite withstanding extreme loads.
The STATIbar helical reinforcing rod in stainless steel is very flexible and moldable according to the grooves and the alignment of the holes during application
A single groove can accommodate multiple bars and thus increase the effectiveness of reinforcements and their load.
Using STATIbar helical reinforcement
When replacing the roof structure in the oldest buildings or in the classified heritage, there are no boundary beams to unload the structure of the new roof, a very effective and practical solution is the linear reinforcement of the top rows with the STATIbar system, which is inserted inwards. of the milled grooves in two parts per groove in two layers. Without subjecting the facades to extra weight, without changing the architecture of the buildings
As a lintel reinforcement over openings or in the construction of new openings and technical passages.
To transfer the pressure acting on the translation of the opening and causing cracks, used bleached reinforcement grooves glued to a number of two pieces in a groove in two layers above the opening.
As reinforcement for transferring efforts to structural stabilization micropiles.
Transfer of punctual loads along the walls
STATIdry – Stainless steel helical reinforcement for direct clamping to concrete or masonry

To connect masonry to rigid structures, solid masonry or aggregate masonry (regular or composite masonry). It is ideal for attaching decorative or additional elements to existing masonry (wood strips, stone coverings, etc.) without the use of sealants or chemicals, only dry. STATIdry is installed using a special accessory for the hammer drill with SDS bushing. which gradually screws the anchorage into masonry or concrete. For hard materials (such as concrete or stone) a guide hole must be made beforehand.
STATIdry – Stainless steel helical reinforcement
STATIdry direct anchors can easily be tested by traction. Just ask us for the test kit.
Anchoring masonry facades where there is a loss of bricks or stones.
Anchoring, locking and reinforcement. -
Anchoring, locking and reinforcement.
Stone fixing in classified historic heritage the use of STATIdry is imperceptible.
Reinforcement of loose bricks and laden stone elements (bridges, arches, etc.).
For bridge construction it takes the lamination of the individual layers of masonry. As a result, the displacement duration curve tension begins to release the domed brick faces. To attach these bricks you will use STATIdry.
To fix wooden frames to aerated concrete (Ytong, Hebel ATC).
The unique and easy way to fix and reinforce structural or decorative construction elements, easily, quickly, economically, without damage.
Investments in historic classified heritage

STATISTICAL R30N – Injectable grout for masonry repair and for the application of helical stainless steel reinforcing rods.
Stati-CAL 30N is a cement-based, non-retractable grout with excellent properties ideal for application by hand injection gun. The amount of powder and liquid component ensures constant properties. Plasticity was designed to fill any void during injection. The STATI-CAL 30N grout is applicable for fixing metal masonry in almost all types of masonry, with concrete, bricks, stones, silica fume, etc. .. but above all it was designed for use with stainless steel rod systems helicoidasl from STATICAL, as a fixture.
30N Stati-cal
Stat-CAL 30N was designed to be an ideal alternative to a polyester resin, the use of which could in some cases be dangerous due to its flammability. skyscrapers are a good example of this. Non-flammable and odorless, the 30N grout has other characteristics that surpass those of resins.
The packaging guarantees the constant quality of the mixture with the defined properties. The package contains everything you need – there is nothing left and even more emphatically there is nothing to add. thus the possible applicator error is eliminated.
It is supplied in buckets of 16 liters and contains two components: a powder and a liquid, generating a quantity of 3 or 6 liters for application.
Each package contains two components, in addition to a 16 liter bucket, in order to preserve the purity of the mixture. Stat-CAL 30N is offered in two basic packages and you can obtain 3 liters or 6 liters.

Compressive strength after 28 days 42,6Mpa
Tensile strength after 28 days 8,26Mpa
Compressive strength after 1 day 28,8Mpa
Compressive strength after 3 days 29,6Mpa
Compressive strength after 7 days 43,7Mpa
Adhesive strength 1,9Mpa
Frost (Coefficient of resistance to cold after 25 cycles) 98,0%
Volume stability (expansion during hardening) +0,15%
Activity concentration index 0,08-
- Thixotropic. Do not fall when applied to the ceiling.
- It does not shrink. Increases adherence.
- Packaged in order to always have the same characteristics.
- Easily pumped, even over long distances.
- Fills all available space to inject.
- Non-flammable, odorless.
Two-component, thixotropic material is primarily intended for the Stati-CAL application reinforcement system. It can also be used to move safes and fill cracks.
Stati-CAL 30N
The liquid – It is a solution copolymers of styrene-butadiene and plasticizers dry component – Portland cement, mineral filler, plasticizers.
Temperature + 5ºC to 25ºC. The processing time is about 60 minutes after mixing.
Suitable for manual grouting of applications or pneumatic gun. During solidification, there is no retraction.